Lotto Results Today

PCSO lotto result today officially released the complete lotto results by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office Lotto results today include Grand Lotto 6/58, Ultra Lotto 6/55, Super Lotto 6/49, Mega Lotto 6/45, National Lottery 6/42, 6D Lotto, 4D Lotto, Swertres Lotto, 3D Lotto, EZ2 Lotto, 2D Lotto, and STL Lotto.

6/58 PCSO Result

6/58 Ultra LottoSeptember 10, 2024
Winning Combination
(in any order)
Jackpot PrizePhp 155,046,536.80
Number of Winner(s)0

6/55 PCSO Result

6/55 Grand LottoSeptember 11, 2024
Winning Combination
(in any order)
Jackpot PrizePhp 29,700.000.00
Number of Winner(s)0

6/49 PCSO Result

6/49 Super LottoSeptember 12, 2024
Winning Combination
(in any order)
Stand by…
Jackpot PrizePhp 48.5 Million
Number of Winner(s)*

6/45 PCSO Result

6/45 Mega LottoSeptember 11, 2024
Winning Combination
(in any order)
Jackpot PrizePhp 40,473,978.80
Number of Winner(s)0

6/42 PCSO Result

6/42 LottoSeptember 12, 2024
Winning Combination
(in any order)
Stand by…
Jackpot PrizePhp 9 Million
Number of Winner(s)*

EZ2 PCSO Result

Draw TimeEZ2 Results Today
2:00 PM31-28
5:00 PM30-07
9:00 PMStand by…

Swertres PCSO Result

Winning Numbers
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
9:00 PM

STL Visayas Region 7 PCSO Result

(Lucky 7 Games And Amusement Corp.)
STL Swer3
10:30 AM9-5-7
3:00 PM6-4-5
7:00 PM4-1-8

STL Region 8 PCSO Result

(Piona Trading And Supply Corp.)
STL Swer3
10:30 AM7-3-2
3:00 PM3-5-4
7:00 PM6-7-3

2D PCSO Lotto Result

Draw TimeEZ2 Results Today
2:00 PM31-28
5:00 PM30-07
9:00 PMStand by…

3D PCSO Lotto Result

Winning Numbers
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
9:00 PM

4D PCSO Lotto Result

4D Lotto
Winning Numbers
Jackpot Prize
Jackpot Winner(s)

6D PCSO Lotto Result

6D Lotto
Winning Numbers
Jackpot Prize
Jackpot Winner(s)

Where to Claim the Prize?

I know it’s essential for you to claim money from safe hands. There are some ways where you can claim your prizes safely.

For PHP 20.00 up to PHP 10,000.00

Suppose you’ve won a prize of 20 Pesos or up to 10,000 pesos in lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit any authorized lotto outlet. 

For PHP 10,001.00 up to PHP 300,000.00

Suppose you’ve won an award of PHP 20.00 and up to PHP 300,000 in lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit your region’s nearest PCSO branch office.

For Jackpot Prize

Suppose you’ve won an award Jackpot prize in lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit the main head office of PCSO located at 605 Conservatory Building, Shaw Blvrd, Corner Princeton Street, 2nd floor, and Mandaluyong City.

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) offers ten(10) other significant lotto games. Players can access 6/58 Lotto results, 6/55 Lotto results, 6/49 Lotto results, 6/45 Lotto results, 6/42 Lotto results, 6D Lotto results, 4D Lotto results, Swertres Lotto results, 3D Lotto results, STL results, 2D Lotto results, Lotto results tonight, and EZ2 Lotto results.

How to play the PCSO lotto games?

PCSO Ultra Lotto 6 58

Here are the simple and easy steps to play the 6 58 Lotto

  1. With the help of the 6 58 lotto slip, select six (6) number combinations from 1 to 58.
  2. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. With the help of the Lotto 6 58 system play, mark the odds of hitting for the jackpot prize.
  4. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of Php 20.00 to play a bet.
  5. If you’re interested in the more consecutive combinations and number of draws you want to play, pay the amount of Php 20.00 for each combination.
  6. Ask the lotto operator service to mark your numbers and pay the amount.
  7. Now, wait for the 6/58 PCSO lotto result today.

PCSO Grand Lotto 6 55

Here are the simple and easy steps to play the 6 55 lotto:

  1. With the help of the 6 55 lotto slip, select six (6) number combinations from 1 to 55.
  2. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. With the help of the Lotto 6 55 system play, mark the odds of hitting for the jackpot prize.
  4. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of PHP 20.00 to play a bet.
  5. If you’re interested in the more consecutive combinations and number of draws you want to play, pay the amount of Php 20.00 for each combination.
  6. Ask the lotto operator service to mark your numbers and pay the amount.
  7. Now, wait for the 6/55 PCSO lotto result.

PCSO Super Lotto 6 49

Here are the simple and easy steps to play the 649 lotto:

  1. With the help of the 649 lotto slip, select six (6) number combinations from 1 to 49.
  2. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. With the help of the Lotto 649 system play, mark the odds of hitting for the jackpot prize.
  4. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of PHP 20.00 to play a bet.
  5. If you’re interested in the more consecutive combinations and number of draws you want to play, pay the amount of PHP 20.00 for each combination.
  6. Ask the lotto operator service to mark your numbers and pay the amount.
  7. Now, wait for the 6/49 PCSO lotto results.

PCSO Mega Lotto 6 45

Here are the simple and easy steps to play the 6/45 lotto:

  1.  With the help of the 6 45 lotto slip, select six (6) number combinations from 1 to 45.
  2. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of Php 20.00 to play a bet.
  4. If you’re interested in 6 45 lotto system play draws, mark the more consecutive combinations.
  5. The number of draws you want to play and pay the amount of Php 20.00 for each combination.
  6. Ask the lotto teller service to mark your numbers and pay the amount.
  7.  Now, wait for the 6/45 lotto results today.

PCSO National Lotto 6 42

Here are the simple and easy steps on how you can play the 6/42 lotto:

  1. With the help of the 6 42 lotto slip, select six (6) number combinations from 1 to 42.
  2. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of Php 10.00 to play a bet.
  4. If you’re interested in 6 42 lotto system play draws, mark the more consecutive combinations number of draws you want to play and pay the amount of PHP 12.00 for each combination.
  5. Ask the lotto teller service to mark your numbers and pay the amount.
  6. Now, wait for the 6/42 PCSO results.

PCSO 6D Lotto

Here are the simple and easy steps to play 6D Lotto:

  1. With the help of the 6D lotto slip, select one (1) number from 0 to 9, each number from 6 columns.
  2. Ask the lotto teller service to mark your numbers and pay the amount.
  3. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  4. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of Php 10.00 to play a bet.
  5. If you’re interested in more consecutive draws, mark the number of draws you want to play and pay the amount of Php 12.00 for each combination.
  6. Now, wait for the 6D PCSO results today.

PCSO 4D Lotto

Standard Play

Select a combination of three numbers from 0000 to 9999 with the help of the 4D lotto slip. If you cannot think of any variety, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.

ROLL 1 Play

Select a Roll 1 box with the help of the 4D lotto slip if you want to play Roll 1 Play. It helps to generate the first digit to complete the last three(3) numbers with the help of the central system. You have to pay Php 120.00 per bet cost.

ROLL 4 Play

Select a Roll 4 box with the help of the 4D lotto slip if you want to play Roll 4 Play. It helps to generate the first digit to complete the last three(3) numbers with the help of the central system. You have to pay PHP 120.00 per bet cost.

PCSO 3D Lotto

 PCSO 3D Swertres is a fixed-price game that makes it the most popular in the Philippines. Here are the simple and easy steps to play 3D PCSO Lotto:

  1. Select a combination of three numbers from 0 to 9 with the help of the 3D lotto slip. Each number from 3 columns.
  2.  If you cannot think of any combination, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of PHP 12.00 to play a bet.
  4. If you’re interested in a 3-digit lotto to draw as well, keep the Rambolito 3 or Rambolito 6 with a minimum amount of PHP12.00 for each combination.
  5. If you’re interested in advanced draws, mark a maximum of 6 consecutive combinations. For each variety, pay PHP 10.00 to play.
  6. Now, wait for the PCSO 3D daily results.

PCSO Swertres Lotto

 PCSO Swertres is the most popular game in the Philippines with a fixed prize. If you’re ready for Swertres Hearing Tomorrow. Here are the simple and easy steps to play Swertres Lotto:

  1. With the help of the 3D Swertrs slip, select a combination of three numbers from 0 to 9. Each number from 3 columns.
  2.  If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. After choosing combinations, mark the amount of Php 12.00 to play a bet.
  4. If you’re interested in a 3-digit lotto draw, mark the Rambolito with the minimum amount of Php 12.00 for each combination.
  5. If you’re interested in advanced draws, mark a maximum of 6 consecutive combinations. For each variety, pay Php 10.00 to play.
  6. Now, wait for the Swertres PCSO results today.

STL Pares Mechanics

  • With the help of STL lotto play slips, select a combination of two numbers from 1 to 40.
  • If you’re sat on the fence, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  • After choosing combinations, mark the amounts from PHP 12.00 to PHP 600.00 to play a bet.
  • With the help of ping pong balls, the same EZ2 single-chambered Mega Gems are used to draw the first and second winning numbers of STL Swertres results today.
  • Now, wait for the STL results today, and wish to get numbers in exact order to win an STL Lotto pares prize.

STL Swer2 Mechanics

  • With the help of STL lotto play slips, select a combination of two numbers from 0 to 9 of the 2-column panel.
  • If you’re sat on the fence, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  • After choosing combinations, mark the amount from PHP 12.00 to PHP 600.00 to play a bet.
  • With the help of ping pong balls, the two-chambered Mega Gems are used to draw the first and second winning numbers of STL Swertres results today.
  • Now, wait for the STL results today, and wish to get numbers in exact order to win an STL Swer2 prize.

Swer3 Mechanics

  • With the help of STL lotto play slips, select a combination of two numbers from 0 to 9 of the 3-column panel.
  • If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  • After choosing combinations, mark the amount from PHP 12.00 to PHP 600.00 to play a bet.
  • With the help of ping pong balls, the three-chambered Mega Gems are used to draw the first and second lucky winning numbers of STL results today.
  • Now, wait for the STL results, and wish to get numbers in exact order to win an STL Swer3 prize.

STL Swer4 Mechanics

  • With the help of the STL lotto play slips, select a combination of two numbers from 0 to 9 of the 4-column panel.
  • If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  • After choosing combinations, mark the amount from PHP 12.00 to PHP 600.00 to play a bet.
  • With the help of ping pong balls, the same EZ2 single-chambered Mega Gems are used to draw the first and second winning numbers of STL Swertres results today. 
  • Now, wait for the STL Lotto today, and wish to get numbers in exact order to win an STL Swer4 prize.

PCSO EZ2 Lotto

Here are the simple and easy steps to play EZ2 Lotto:

  1. With the help of the 2D lotto plays slip, select a combination of two numbers from 1 to 31.
  2. If your mind is blank, go for Lucky Pick (LP), generated by a random computer number.
  3. After choosing combinations, mark the amount from Php 12.00 to Php 600.00 to play a bet.
  4. If you’re interested in a two-digit lotto draw, mark the Rambolito with the minimum amount of Php 12.00 for each combination.
  5. If you’re interested in advanced draws, mark a maximum of 6 consecutive combinations. For each variety, pay Php 10.00 to play.
  6. Now, wait for the Lotto results today.

Watch Live Streaming for PCSO Lotto Results Today

About PCSO

PCSO Results. Ph is showing official results from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office’s official website. All the latest PCSO results, announcements, news, and updates of PCSO officials are available on this website.