6D Result History 2017: Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offices 6D complete results history for 2017 is available here. 6D draws are held a 9:00 pm on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 

Players can access the complete report of 6D results history 2017 and all previous 6D results. From January 03, 2017, to December 30, 2017, all 6D results are given below in the table.

6D Results History 2017

DateWinning NumbersPrize
30 December 20173-1-8-9-8-0₱227,194
28 December 20176-4-1-2-3-4₱1,142,397
26 December 20175-4-1-9-2-6₱2,155,312
23 December 20176-5-7-3-3-3₱2,105,312
21 December 20179-1-7-3-1-0₱1,732,623
19 December 20177-5-4-0-2-2₱1,682,623
16 December 20178-4-3-4-7-1₱1,405,890
14 December 20172-9-0-3-0-0₱982,544
12 December 20173-2-9-4-4-3₱866,041
09 December 20175-4-7-3-8-2₱474,064
07 December 20170-9-5-8-2-6₱199,466
05 December 20173-6-2-6-9-3₱5,595,554
02 December 20178-3-5-9-7-5₱5,110,536
30 November 20177-6-4-7-2-1₱4,588,325
28 November 20177-5-5-6-6-4₱4,267,490
25 November 20170-0-4-1-0-1₱3,868,425
23 November 20170-8-9-8-5-3₱3,480,540
21 November 20176-0-1-5-1-9₱2,983,063
18 November 20170-2-9-2-4-8₱2,747,194
16 November 20177-9-0-8-3-8₱2,388,676
14 November 20179-2-5-7-1-9₱1,891,377
11 November 20170-4-8-7-2-4₱1,841,377
09 November 20173-0-2-2-3-9₱1,624,093
07 November 20175-3-7-0-8-9₱1,372,846
04 November 20179-5-0-4-5-0₱958,561
02 November 20174-2-1-5-5-4₱671,646
31 October 20173-1-6-0-6-8₱598,810
28 October 20179-0-8-8-0-1₱471,936
26 October 20173-4-5-6-7-0₱341,408
24 October 20178-6-4-2-1-4₱291,408
21 October 20170-5-3-8-0-1₱1,199,406
19 October 20172-4-1-7-0-3₱889,781
17 October 20176-7-3-0-1-3₱839,781
14 October 20176-8-2-2-8-3₱789,781
12 October 20178-8-4-2-5-8₱381,387
10 October 20170-5-1-1-3-0₱150,000
07 October 20177-9-8-5-8-8₱643,301
05 October 20173-8-8-9-4-6₱331,460
03 October 20172-3-0-5-2-3₱1,918,997
30 September 20173-3-0-4-6-4₱3,787,996
28 September 20174-3-0-4-1-0₱3,465,697
26 September 20179-8-8-4-5-5₱3,415,697
23 September 20175-0-5-8-3-4₱3,006,297
21 September 20174-3-0-1-4-1₱2,595,550
19 September 20176-9-5-7-2-1₱2,163,464
16 September 20179-1-8-0-0-4₱1,803,837
14 September 20173-8-0-8-0-4₱1,551,215
12 September 20177-4-5-5-3-2₱1,350,093
09 September 20178-6-9-1-8-5₱965,210
07 September 20173-9-8-7-8-8₱597,794
05 September 20176-3-6-4-0-8₱309,610
02 September 20176-2-4-2-9-6₱1,583,334
31 August 20178-8-9-1-5-3₱1,261,033
29 August 20172-2-0-4-5-2₱949,741
26 August 20177-4-2-3-6-2₱805,655
24 August 20171-6-4-0-6-2₱602,291
22 August 20178-7-5-8-4-9₱351,744
19 August 20172-5-7-1-8-9₱994,397
17 August 20172-5-8-7-7-9₱785,996
15 August 20179-3-4-5-1-8₱490,775
12 August 20172-9-4-4-6-4₱154,216
10 August 20171-4-3-9-2-3₱733,060
08 August 20175-8-0-6-2-3₱632,908
05 August 20177-9-0-1-9-2₱379,648
03 August 20176-7-8-5-2-5₱3,004,503
01 August 20171-9-4-9-3-7₱2,802,458
29 July 20177-5-3-7-0-1₱2,599,111
27 July 20171-5-7-8-8-8₱2,248,389
25 July 20175-3-7-2-4-3₱2,006,438
22 July 20176-3-4-4-4-1₱1,659,944
20 July 20172-8-9-8-4-5₱1,233,425
18 July 20177-4-0-0-4-1₱911,502
15 July 20171-0-7-4-0-6₱451,532
13 July 20170-2-5-4-4-2₱303,299
11 July 20176-2-7-3-9-5₱657,529
08 July 20178-4-3-8-8-6₱459,109
06 July 20171-4-3-1-2-7₱2,172,359
04 July 20176-8-6-8-6-1₱2,122,360
01 July 20171-8-4-4-7-8₱1,878,593
29 June 20179-0-8-1-6-5₱1,576,526
27 June 20173-0-2-3-4-7₱1,229,905
24 June 20179-9-3-0-7-2₱1,179,905
22 June 20176-5-7-8-1-0₱863,806
20 June 20174-3-6-3-8-8₱813,806
17 June 20172-5-8-1-3-4₱456,322
15 June 20171-0-8-2-6-9₱382,326
13 June 20176-8-9-4-1-5₱188,806
10 June 20178-7-2-7-6-3₱518,385
08 June 20173-3-3-5-8-9₱213,394
06 June 20171-7-7-4-1-4₱677,968
03 June 20172-3-6-8-9-8₱627,969
01 June 20179-5-9-1-5-9₱406,368
30 May 20171-8-2-4-8-7₱150,000
27 May 20173-4-2-5-0-2₱3,920,961
25 May 20179-2-5-6-9-2₱3,686,474
23 May 20179-1-9-0-1-0₱3,288,141
20 May 20176-6-3-4-2-6₱3,023,464
18 May 20172-7-7-1-9-0₱2,737,419
16 May 20170-0-7-4-8-8₱2,468,484
13 May 20171-5-5-9-6-7₱2,220,296
11 May 20171-7-3-1-2-5₱1,970,708
09 May 20177-2-7-3-9-1₱1,920,708
06 May 20174-3-4-4-4-5₱1,736,159
04 May 20175-1-0-5-2-3₱1,415,172
02 May 20178-4-8-1-0-3₱1,360,359
29 April 20178-7-1-2-0-9₱1,024,600
27 April 20178-4-6-0-4-0₱974,600
25 April 20176-4-8-0-4-0₱623,024
22 April 20176-0-1-7-1-3₱360,999
20 April 20172-6-8-6-5-7₱310,999
18 April 20174-6-9-3-0-4₱5,903,204
11 April 20172-5-2-6-9-3₱5,463,982
08 April 20174-7-0-7-0-2₱5,413,982
06 April 20175-8-9-7-1-3₱5,276,096
04 April 20174-4-1-2-7-8₱5,030,185
01 April 20170-4-2-4-1-4₱4,737,831
30 March 20178-9-8-6-1-2₱4,687,831
28 March 20173-3-8-0-6-8₱4,380,673
25 March 20175-1-7-4-6-0₱3,872,204
23 March 20175-4-0-6-7-6₱3,415,175
21 March 20173-6-9-0-4-2₱2,944,174
18 March 20172-1-2-6-9-0₱2,560,177
16 March 20173-5-3-9-0-7₱2,496,838
14 March 20177-7-4-8-7-2₱2,056,093
11 March 20177-4-9-6-6-5₱1,753,713
09 March 20172-3-2-1-5-3₱1,422,858
07 March 20179-8-6-2-1-2₱1,372,858
04 March 20174-1-6-4-7-5₱1,123,638
02 March 20178-1-0-6-7-9₱778,637
28 February 20175-4-3-8-0-6₱727,375
25 February 20174-0-7-1-6-2₱327,534
23 February 20176-5-7-2-7-4₱921,298
21 February 20170-7-3-1-3-0₱654,955
18 February 20179-4-1-7-1-7₱500,234
16 February 20171-4-4-6-7-3₱450,234
14 February 20172-5-4-0-0-1₱260,213
11 February 20171-8-3-3-0-7₱1,919,545
09 February 20178-8-9-1-2-5₱1,574,813
07 February 20171-3-9-2-6-7₱1,524,813
04 February 20175-6-2-5-8-3₱1,271,911
02 February 20173-3-5-1-7-2₱1,004,290
31 January 20172-4-1-6-5-1₱790,350
28 January 20170-6-6-9-6-7₱740,350
26 January 20177-0-8-0-3-7₱426,804
24 January 20172-2-1-5-4-0₱150,000
21 January 20171-6-0-8-9-3₱150,000
19 January 20177-0-4-4-5-2₱318,609
17 January 20175-7-7-8-3-4₱279,275
14 January 20176-8-2-7-5-7₱1,898,155
12 January 20170-7-8-2-5-0₱1,748,138
10 January 20176-1-8-7-2-2₱1,401,949
07 January 20177-2-0-4-4-6₱1,288,263
05 January 20176-5-8-0-3-9₱939,245
03 January 20174-6-3-9-3-7₱628,409

PCSO Lotto Result Today

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) offers ten(10) other significant lotto games. Players can access 6/58 Lotto results, 6/55 Lotto results, 6/49 Lotto results, 6/45 Lotto results, 6/42 Lotto results, 6D Lotto results, 4D Lotto results, Swertres Lotto results, 3D Lotto results, EZ2 lotto results, and STL results.

Lotto New Schedule of Games

Schedule of Evening (9:00 PM)








6/55 Lotto
6/55 Lotto
6/49 Lotto
6/55 Lotto
6/49 Lotto
6/45 Lotto
6/49 Lotto
6/45 Lotto
6/42 Lotto
6/45 Lotto
6/42 Lotto
4D Lotto
6/42 Lotto
4D Lotto
6D Lotto
4D Lotto
6D Lotto
6D Lotto

Schedule of Daily 10:30AM 2:PM 3:PM 5:PM 7:PM  8:PM 9:PM

EZ2 Lotto
3D Lotto
STL Pares

Where to claim the 6D Lotto Prize?

I know it’s essential for you to claim money from safe hands. There’re some ways where you can claim your prizes safely.

For PHP 20.00 up to PHP 500,000.00

Suppose you’ve won a prize of PHP 20 or up to PHP 10,000 in 6D lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit any authorized lotto outlet. 

For PHP 20.00 up to PHP 300,000.00

Suppose you’ve won an award of PHP 20.00 and up to PHP 500,000 in 6D lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit your region’s nearest PCSO branch office.

For Jackpot Prize

Suppose you’ve won an award Jackpot prize in 6D lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit the main head office of PCSO located at 605 Conservatory Building, Shaw Blvrd, Corner Princeton Street, 2nd floor, and Mandaluyong City.


Winners above Php 10,000.00 must pay 20% tax according to “Pursuant Train Law.”

Latest Lotto Jackpot Estimates

Major Lotto DrawJackpot Prize
6/58 Ultra LottoPHP 49.5 Million+
6/55 Grand LottoPHP 29.7 Million+
6/49 Super LottoPHP 70 Million+
6/45 Mega LottoPHP 31.5 Million+
6/42 National LottoPHP 37 Million+

How to Get 6D Result Today Updates

You can visit our website daily for 6D results today and the latest updates about the 6D lotto. Moreover, you can visit our Facebook and YouTube to watch live results.