6D Result History 2016: Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offices 6D complete results history for 2016 is available here. 6D draws are held a 9:00 pm on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 

Players can access the complete report of 6D results history 2016 and all previous 6D results. From January 02, 2016, to December 31, 2016, all 6D results are given below in the table.

6D Results History 2016

DateWinning NumberJackpot
31 December 20168-4-5-4-1-4₱257,135
29 December 20168-4-3-4-6-1₱2,115,466
27 December 20163-6-3-0-8-1₱1,656,021
24 December 20169-9-2-8-1-9₱1,236,646
22 December 20164-6-5-8-6-4₱1,186,646
20 December 20169-8-0-4-6-4₱846,131
17 December 20165-1-1-9-1-2₱428,345
15 December 20167-6-9-6-7-5₱378,345
13 December 20167-5-9-9-8-0₱1,228,525
10 December 20162-2-0-4-7-9₱928,252
08 December 20167-0-1-5-7-7₱714,241
06 December 20163-4-2-8-8-1₱399,313
03 December 20160-2-2-3-3-8₱3,676,415
01 December 20168-9-7-1-0-0₱3,564,706
29 November 20165-4-1-1-5-5₱3,208,586
26 November 20169-9-3-3-2-3₱3,158,586
24 November 20164-7-6-3-8-7₱2,777,836
22 November 20164-0-6-7-0-9₱2,358,749
19 November 20167-0-3-0-7-6₱1,887,898
17 November 20166-6-5-0-4-2₱1,462,743
15 November 20169-6-9-9-9-0₱1,079,860
12 November 20168-5-2-1-5-0₱820,449
10 November 20163-0-1-4-4-7₱499,527
08 November 20160-4-6-1-9-2₱437,345
05 November 20167-5-5-3-5-3₱2,055,232
03 November 20163-2-7-9-4-1₱1,790,817
01 November 20167-5-1-2-1-2₱1,405,982
29 October 20160-8-2-4-9-4₱1,355,982
27 October 20166-9-2-1-3-8₱1,263,116
25 October 20160-8-6-3-5-8₱1,056,268
22 October 20164-1-9-9-3-8₱676,891
20 October 20167-8-7-3-7-5₱360,653
18 October 20161-1-0-5-3-9₱3,244,856
15 October 20162-0-7-7-4-9₱3,194,857
13 October 20162-5-4-5-0-1₱2,807,117
11 October 20168-3-7-0-4-6₱2,428,588
08 October 20160-4-9-3-0-0₱2,179,002
06 October 20164-9-0-3-8-1₱1,759,555
04 October 20163-1-4-2-1-2₱1,359,300
01 October 20163-9-2-5-1-3₱1,309,300
29 September 20160-7-8-8-3-0₱1,259,300
27 September 20169-4-9-9-4-2₱1,074,213
24 September 20167-6-9-7-1-7₱739,718
22 September 20169-6-2-6-2-2₱522,760
20 September 20164-4-0-6-9-4₱381,737
17 September 20160-3-1-6-6-1₱150,000
15 September 20162-6-5-4-6-2₱4,888,088
13 September 20169-9-7-6-2-5₱4,838,089
10 September 20161-7-7-9-1-3₱4,552,414
08 September 20164-0-8-4-1-8₱4,502,414
06 September 20164-6-9-0-5-4₱4,055,276
03 September 20166-0-4-5-1-3₱3,625,951
01 September 20160-4-7-0-4-4₱3,333,649
30 August 20160-3-5-0-0-5₱3,182,246
27 August 20162-8-2-4-0-9₱2,838,656
25 August 20168-6-8-8-1-4₱2,788,656
23 August 20167-5-7-2-3-5₱2,493,064
20 August 20162-2-9-9-3-7₱2,286,917
18 August 20163-9-8-6-3-4₱2,067,642
16 August 20167-4-5-5-7-3₱1,712,297
13 August 20167-5-5-2-5-2₱1,336,912
11 August 20161-6-5-0-7-7₱1,086,324
09 August 20164-3-5-3-7-1₱795,636
06 August 20165-8-1-7-8-3₱660,719
04 August 20162-5-7-5-8-0₱417,284
02 August 20166-2-2-0-6-5₱219,769
30 July 20168-4-4-8-2-3₱9,623,353
28 July 20167-9-1-7-3-5₱9,297,229
26 July 20165-1-0-9-7-7₱9,204,005
23 July 20161-1-1-2-2-8₱8,889,589
21 July 20167-0-6-8-5-5₱8,839,589
19 July 20167-4-4-8-0-4₱8,412,647
16 July 20169-3-0-6-3-7₱7,907,929
14 July 20163-6-0-4-1-6₱7,510,984
12 July 20160-2-7-4-0-1₱7,460,984
09 July 20161-3-1-8-1-3₱6,994,907
07 July 20169-1-3-2-4-6₱6,944,907
05 July 20161-2-9-2-9-8₱6,755,955
02 July 20160-7-7-9-5-4₱6,705,955
30 June 20160-5-8-0-8-5₱6,407,970
28 June 20169-9-1-4-5-7₱5,894,194
25 June 20164-2-7-7-8-5₱5,755,561
23 June 20167-7-5-0-3-7₱5,511,220
21 June 20168-9-7-4-5-6₱5,103,693
18 June 20164-8-0-3-0-4₱4,748,905
16 June 20169-0-1-6-6-5₱4,357,690
14 June 20163-2-1-2-5-1₱4,086,943
11 June 20161-2-5-5-0-6₱3,950,482
09 June 20168-2-5-3-6-3₱3,900,482
07 June 20168-7-5-8-5-4₱3,850,482
04 June 20169-9-2-1-5-6₱3,472,227
02 June 20167-1-2-1-3-1₱3,304,501
31 May 20160-1-2-1-0-2₱3,254,501
28 May 20167-1-4-8-1-7₱3,204,501
26 May 20166-6-8-6-1-3₱2,979,011
24 May 20160-5-3-9-2-1₱2,706,290
21 May 20162-5-7-1-5-5₱2,577,194
19 May 20161-1-2-6-6-3₱2,342,736
17 May 20169-8-1-4-1-6₱2,292,736
14 May 20168-3-0-2-3-0₱2,242,736
12 May 20162-9-9-1-2-6₱2,007,508
10 May 20160-8-6-8-6-3₱1,778,882
07 May 20161-7-9-9-9-4₱1,645,877
05 May 20166-3-1-0-8-0₱1,273,413
03 May 20169-2-6-8-9-1₱1,081,582
30 April 20163-2-7-1-0-2₱944,505
28 April 20169-0-0-5-5-7₱662,789
26 April 20161-5-5-5-6-4₱503,134
23 April 20160-1-4-9-6-1₱311,248
21 April 20163-7-6-5-5-1₱5,415,683
19 April 20165-3-9-9-6-1₱5,328,885
16 April 20169-5-1-8-0-6₱4,927,188
14 April 20166-4-2-0-8-4₱4,659,664
12 April 20166-2-9-9-9-3₱4,337,126
09 April 20169-3-0-2-5-6₱3,884,998
07 April 20166-3-2-0-7-2₱3,670,242
05 April 20168-5-7-6-6-6₱3,335,310
02 April 20162-2-7-9-0-0₱2,957,041
31 March 20164-3-5-2-9-0₱2,682,031
29 March 20167-7-0-7-8-3₱2,356,063
22 March 20166-4-9-8-6-8₱1,954,461
19 March 20168-7-6-5-1-0₱1,607,258
17 March 20162-1-6-0-7-3₱1,402,118
15 March 20168-9-8-7-0-7₱1,140,507
12 March 20167-3-2-8-2-0₱788,919
10 March 20161-4-1-7-5-7₱613,164
08 March 20165-2-2-8-0-5₱563,164
05 March 20169-5-4-8-4-8₱419,624
03 March 20165-5-2-1-1-4₱150,000
01 March 20168-5-2-0-2-9₱150,000
27 February 20168-6-4-1-5-5₱3,357,968
25 February 20169-7-7-3-9-5₱3,095,915
23 February 20162-5-9-7-3-6₱2,713,241
20 February 20160-6-0-8-9-0₱2,413,382
18 February 20168-9-6-6-6-2₱2,332,715
16 February 20161-2-8-3-1-0₱1,949,607
13 February 20163-7-2-9-6-1₱1,899,607
11 February 20162-6-6-2-9-6₱1,681,158
09 February 20161-6-1-3-8-4₱1,307,220
06 February 20166-3-0-4-2-6₱1,129,339
04 February 20160-1-7-9-8-9₱919,477
02 February 20168-7-2-2-9-3₱732,914
30 January 20169-7-6-1-0-6₱339,076
28 January 20166-7-3-1-4-9₱1,333,153
26 January 20165-9-5-4-8-1₱2,283,962
23 January 20161-7-7-5-9-4₱1,962,875
21 January 20169-6-6-9-7-8₱1,727,345
19 January 20164-0-1-1-6-8₱1,350,081
16 January 20165-1-6-8-8-4₱1,206,442
14 January 20160-3-8-7-1-9₱849,099
12 January 20160-8-7-1-9-2₱635,393
09 January 20169-6-7-9-0-9₱333,230
07 January 20160-9-1-6-5-0₱304,367
05 January 20164-5-6-0-2-4₱254,368
02 January 20169-2-4-4-5-2₱517,643

PCSO Lotto Result Today

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) offers ten(10) other significant lotto games. Players can access 6/58 Lotto results, 6/55 Lotto results, 6/49 Lotto results, 6/45 Lotto results, 6/42 Lotto results, 6D Lotto results, 4D Lotto results, Swertres Lotto results, 3D Lotto results, EZ2 lotto results, and STL results.

Lotto New Schedule of Games

Schedule of Evening (9:00 PM)








6/55 Lotto
6/55 Lotto
6/49 Lotto
6/55 Lotto
6/49 Lotto
6/45 Lotto
6/49 Lotto
6/45 Lotto
6/42 Lotto
6/45 Lotto
6/42 Lotto
4D Lotto
6/42 Lotto
4D Lotto
6D Lotto
4D Lotto
6D Lotto
6D Lotto

Schedule of Daily 10:30AM 2:PM 3:PM 5:PM 7:PM  8:PM 9:PM

EZ2 Lotto
3D Lotto
STL Pares

Where to claim the 6D Lotto Prize?

I know it’s essential for you to claim money from safe hands. There’re some ways where you can claim your prizes safely.

For PHP 20.00 up to PHP 500,000.00

Suppose you’ve won a prize of PHP 20 or up to PHP 10,000 in 6D lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit any authorized lotto outlet. 

For PHP 20.00 up to PHP 300,000.00

Suppose you’ve won an award of PHP 20.00 and up to PHP 500,000 in 6D lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit your region’s nearest PCSO branch office.

For Jackpot Prize

Suppose you’ve won an award Jackpot prize in 6D lotto draws. Cheers, you’ve to visit the main head office of PCSO located at 605 Conservatory Building, Shaw Blvrd, Corner Princeton Street, 2nd floor, and Mandaluyong City.


Winners above Php 10,000.00 must pay 20% tax according to “Pursuant Train Law.”

Latest Lotto Jackpot Estimates

Major Lotto DrawJackpot Prize
6/58 Ultra LottoPHP 49.5 Million+
6/55 Grand LottoPHP 29.7 Million+
6/49 Super LottoPHP 70 Million+
6/45 Mega LottoPHP 31.5 Million+
6/42 National LottoPHP 37 Million+

How to Get 6D Result Today Updates

You can visit our website daily for 6D results today and the latest updates about the 6D lotto. Moreover, you can visit our Facebook and YouTube to watch live results.